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Hushpower magic!


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Hi all,


ive just been out with my newly aquired pedretti .410 hushpower and have been amazed by the results, its true that the gun is as or quiter than an moderated airgun, and i wasnt using subs!


shot 3 rabbits one after each other without any of them knowing what was going on!


what are the Baikal stealths like or the moderated mossberg 500? :good:

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I use a hushpower 12g baikal .......i love it


dont like wearing ear defenders....so i dont but dont want to go deaf either


i have a fair bit of rough shooting on and near equestrian land and dont like warning rabbits and pigeons a field away on my first shot


me and my son both use the gun and after a bit of practice we are quiet reasonable shots......





my 12year old son having a shot (well just after shooting)


Edited by compo90
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I had the baikal stealth but traded it for a stealth mossberg 410 pump. Must say that i think that the single shot baikal was a lot quieter than the mossberg pump which i consider to be quite noisy especially with 3inch mag carts! I am seriously thinking of going back to the stealth or even a pedretti



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I use a hushpower 12g baikal .......i love it


dont like wearing ear defenders....so i dont but dont want to go deaf either


i have a fair bit of rough shooting on and near equestrian land and dont like warning rabbits and pigeons a field away on my first shot


me and my son both use the gun and after a bit of practice we are quiet reasonable shots......





my 12year old son having a shot (well just after shooting)


I don't mean to sound nasty, but your boy's stance doesn't look too good.

Edited by motty
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