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Got my visit 2 days after putting in application, got FAC after 13 weeks, Durham Constabulary.

Sent my application away recorded delivery 9 weeks ago roughly. Got a letter back within a week saying they had received payment and were looking at my application. Haven't heard a word since. Ive been told it could be a long wait so I'm prepared fir it. Lisnasharragh are dealing with mine.

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No answer to this one at all, it can take just days to a year, and even in the same region it can vary a considerable amount.


Patience is required, by all means give them a call and have a chat BUT, be very careful to stay calm.


Get shirty on the phone and ..... NOT a suitable person will rapidly come to their mind!



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On the letter they posted me out it said Not to phone them.


What would you think as a BT, British Gas, Virgin, etc customer if you got a letter from your supplier that said DON'T phone us!


They are public servants, and if they did their job efficiently there would be no need to phone and find out what was happening!

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