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The other day I got permiision on a bit of land, about 45 miles from where I live, but near work.


I asked the local force if it's cleared for a rimmy....,,,,,

And it is....but with conditions, backdtopp etc.


Is this good enough to put in for a section 1?


BTW this will be pest control on rabbits.

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I don't understand what you mean by condition. Any land that is cleared will probably still have parts or directions in which you shouldn't shoot.


The land behind me is cleared for .243 but there are parts of it I wouldn't use an air-rifle on. It's always down to the shooter to use his judgement as to what constitutes a safe shot regardless of what the FLO has cleared the land for.


Putting that to one side though, you need "some" land to justify a FAC if it's for hunting, so yes that will do to use on your FAC application.


While I'm at it, I'll answer a few more questions that you may find handy. For rabbits, go for .22LR and .17HMR (and FAC Air maybe). Buy a CZ452 for either rimmie, a SAK works pretty much as well as any other mod and doesn't cost much (remember to apply for mods on your application). Neither rifle needs anything special scope wise, any decent 3-9x40(or 50) will do.

Edited by Colster
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Yep, it stipulates 300 meters from the entrance and shots to be taken in a east direction.

Ive only got a section 2 at the moment so this is all new to me. I thought land was cleared for a calibre and that was it, I know that your FAC cert could stipulate conditions such as high seat etc but didn't know the land itself could have conditions. So I've learnt something new.

Anyway, thanks for the replys.


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