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Bore solvents


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Ok just orderd a bottle of 009 of eBay, hope it's better than what I'm using now! Interesting bit of info there about brushing the bore first, I've been soaking the bore with a 303 soaked patch to remove the worst and then brushing! I then run patches until clean. Soak and brush again AND AGAIN if necessary, am I doing it the wrong way round or does it not make a difference? Hence why I'm asking if there is a better solvent because after 100 cartridges or so I'm struggling to clean just after the cones!

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My dad taught me always to brush first, push a patch through to clear the debris and then use bore cleaner (if necessary) to get the **** out - then carry on to the oiling etc.


He also had an old tale along the lines that the number of times you push/pull the brush should be the same as the number of cartridges you fired - I don't quite hold with that these days though - must be getting a bit lazy or the bores are getting better finished?

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What do you chaps think is the best solvent / cleaner for removing powder & lead in your shotguns?

I'm currently using Youngs 303 but thinking of trying Hoppes 9.

All opinions and experiences welcome.



There are loads out there, you do not mention copper...so use 303, if copper comes into it as well, then No 9 would be better! :good:

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