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road kill

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hi all i went out shooting this morning and came across a road kill deer at the side of the road it was 4.15 am so i it had not been there long it had been hit back leg/back side it was a big one i throw it in the back of my freelander got blood every where i carried on to shooting land then took it out and and left it in the field and had a good couple of hours with 14 rabbits with the 17 hmr and then went back the deer was going to take it home put it in the garage and the take to the game dealer with 30 rabbits i have in the freezer but had second thoughts and left it as the wife would off gone mad IF I DID TAKE IT HOME WOULD IT BE OK IN THE GARAGE TILL TOMORROW AND WOULD THE GAME DEALER TAKE IT I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO THE DEALERS BEFORE AS I HAVE JUST GOT A FREEZER FOR THE RABBITS AND WILL HAVE TO WAIT TILL I HAVE 50+ AS THE DEAR IS 20 MILES AWAY

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the PW standard for recovering road kill deer is not by car i'm afraid! do you have access to a bike?



Edited by pegasus bridge
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The Game Dealer would not be able to take it from you as the carcas has to have a 'Trained Hunter' tag attached to it stating the condition it was in before it was killed, when it was killed, where it was killed and a statement from the person killing/gralloching it as to the condition of it's 'innards' ie free from disease.

I'm afraid anything in the condition you found it would make it only fit for Fox/Badger food.

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I hope bicykillgaz reads this, his ears will be burning! :lol:


yep, you can't sell it but if you're happy to eat it yourself...

also I would have kept the skin if that was in good nick too

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  • 1 month later...

Good luck to anyone who eats things they find dead by the roadside. It could have been put down by lethal injection from a vet and be awaiting collection by the council.

I know a keeper who found one like that and fed the meat to his dogs they were asleep for 3 days .They are not always marked by the vet :no:

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if that was the case its very unlikely they would wake up ;)


as said its a bad idea to collect roadkill deer, if nothing else odds are the rumen is bust and the internals contaminated. Really they need gralloching ASAP after an accident not to spoil so picking up one you don't know how long its been there is a very bad idea. Couple that in this case with the back end being hit that is where most of the meat is

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