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AYA Magnum and full chokes


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What can you tell me about the above gun? Been looking at one today I thought it to be very nice (sxs 2 trigger none ejector), are they as good as the AYA #3/4's? Who has/had one?


The other questions is that the one Ive seen comes with full chokes, how will I find this when shooting clays and pigeons? Will I miss a lot or does it not make much difference?


Thanking you in advance :good:

Edited by born_2_kill
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Take it that you didn't buy the XXV or is this AN Other?

Just out of interest, could you, please, post the chamber size and proof rating?

Rating for rating, a S by S will weigh less than a OU, but even so unless you intend to use the magnum facility, you may find this a tad OTT for general clays and pigeon. Don't worry about the choke ( which is arguably to tight at the moment - Imp by 1/2 or 1/4 by 3/4 !?), it's not £s prohibitive to get it sorted.


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