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Four less bad boys

the enigma

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Last week we put a batch of young calves into the small field beside my house.The feed trough is about 30yds away from the house and every morning,from about 5am, anything up to a dozen magpies gather at it for their breakfast. Now,I don't think my good lady would be best pleased if I took a pop at them at that ungodly hour,so I've had to bide my time. :crazy:

Finally,this afternoon,I had a bit of time on my hands and the wife and kids were out,so I was able to get stuck into the black and white bad boys. :sneaky2:


I got a nice spot in an old disused piggery,with a window over looking the trough.I was able to slip in and out without being seen,so I tinkered away in another shed,and every now and again would take a dander up to see what was about.


First to drop in was the grey crow.Went back to work,then after about an hour took 2 magpies in quick succession. The third was taken later on in the evening. :D



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