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First Sheath Finished

Paul T

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Well, it's taken me an age to finish the sheath to go with the knife :blush:.


I've had odd delays in waiting for thread and drill bits - drilling was the only way I could find to hole the leather after a lot of experimentation! Then there's been the 'time' issue, as there never seems to be enough time to do anything these days :yes: .


I looked at various designs for the sheath, but all of them had a loop for belt fastening. Since my belt is forming an increasingly structural purpose for my expanding middle, undoing and re-doing unnecessarily is something I can do without - especially in the middle of a field :lol:. Hence the decision to go with my own modification to clip on and off a belt loop, which works really well.


As with the knife, there were some lessons learned :yes: and I'm sure I can improve the overall finish with subsequent ones, but overall I'm fairly happy with this one as a first.


Anyways, here's some photos of the finished job...


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Thats a good job, how did you stitch the sheaf?

Drilled the holes with a 1mm drill bit then got a linen thread with 2 needles off fleabay. Just started by hand from one end with a simple running stitch (I think that's what it's called) and when I got to the other end just continued back and filled in the missing stitches until I got back to the start.


Occasionally the needle had to be aided by pliers, but on the whole it was pretty easy going, even in 4mm thick leather.

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Good work on the knife and sheath, the knife is particularly attractive with those red liners.


LePrevo have a bunch of tools and materials for sheath making if you want to make more (buying a shoulder veg tan hide is a good idea and economical), and useful books too. The saddle stitch is the one you need for most leather projects, but what you've done will work in a similar fashion, if you cut any stitch the whole thing won't unravel. :good:


A class first knife and sheath, I'd be well pleased that. :D

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