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Barrel expansion + Accuracy.

Spara Dritto

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Has anyone got any thoughts/ideas of how much a shotgun barrel could expand when it gets hot from frequent firing? Secondly, how this could effect shot pattern?

Lastly, how does the chamber part of the barrels still fit perfectly and move freely after getting a lot hotter then the receiver in which it sits/locks into.

I know I’m over thinking it but I’m just interested.

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When a rifle barrel heats up the bore diameter decreases as the metal expands, giving you higher pressures and hence higher muzzle velocity and a higher point of impact. The most I've had to shift a target rifle's sights to account for this is 2 minutes ie a change of 2 inches at 100 yards, this was when shooting a .308 in below zero temperatures and the barrel heats up from ~0 °C to ~60 °C (at a guess) after a few shots (those sighters did ****** all to zero in the elevation, all they did was warm the barrel!).


In theory the same would be true for a shotgun, however in the real world I recon you won't notice any difference! If you're pointing it in the right direction to start with you'll hit them, if you weren't then you won't! ;)




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ive done a lot of heat shrink work over the years so not really (stand to be corrected) convinced a barrel bore would tighten. if you heat a pipe up (similar to a barrel) the bore will increase in diameter and thats a fact. it does not matter on the thickness around a hole, it will always increase. thats my take on it from an engineering point of view.

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