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single shot or semi ?


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Been given conflicting advice, so would appreciate some guidance...



... whats best for general purpose rabbiting, a semi-auto or sinlge shot rf .22 ?






i think majority on here will say single shot bolt action, i shoot a browning t-bolt in .22 and its a straight pull instead of the traditional bolt, and you can reload it very quick for mulitple shots. A mate of mine uses a .22 semi auto and it's not very accurate at all, but not sure wheather thats due to it being a semi??

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I would go bolt action, semis are great for shorter range stuff in a lamp but a standard semi is IMHO not accurate enough to be humane at much over 50 yards. I have a custom semi and still limit myself to 70 yards and then only in ideal conditions. Nothing worse than a rabbit dragging itself off. These days most of the time I carry a small light 17 centerfire.



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Bolt gun, you should only need one shot. Taking multiple bunnies quickly the semi has a maginal advantange only as experianced bolt gun users can do that just great holding thier aim for subsequent opertunities almost as good. One big disadvantage in the semi is you cannot realy avoid it loading another and there are times you are better off not chambering a second round, having to ejrct the unwarrented second shot means loosing an odd round now and again in the undergrowth (very easy done at night)

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