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1st proper time out this afternoon


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Went to pick Northy up this morning at about 8:30 am, got to the ONLY field we have cut at the moment . As we arrived 200 odd pigeons flew off the field so we hoped we were in for a good day.


Changed the rotary and pattern a few times until we had a few dropping in then added those to the rotory and pattern. It went a little quiet towards the afternoon but had a steady flow. Come 1pm every few minutes we had some dropping into the pattern. One memorable shot was a bird dropping in I shot it then it dropped a little further very nearly hitting Northy in the head.( I'm sure he will be along soon to add a few of my misses :lol: ) all in all we had about 35-40 as we lost a few in the maize behind us. Really good start to the season and looking forward to getting out once the whet and barley has been cut then onto the marsh. Bit of friendly banter and a giggle all round :good:








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Congratulations gentlemen. Hopefully the first good day of many to come. Only another 200 in one day to go and you`ll be catching up with Chrispti!


Probably should`nt ask, but how many shots did you fire for your 20?



I have strangely forgot ;) . If I'm honest it wasn't the best cart to kill ratio. A 200 + bag of chrispti standard would be lovely this year, there were enough pigeons today 9-3 pm if we had of stayed and hit the missed oppurtunitys we may have got the +100 :good:

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Well done ,dont worry about missing more than you get ,the more you go the better you should get.

I will be as bold to offer a little advise, looking at the back of your hide you have some lovely natural cover in which build a hide,you would do better to take advantage of this if possible or at least add some vegitation to break up the net a bit, as I think someone has already mentioned if that outer net is one that is brown on the other side it would be better to have that side facing out.

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Well done chaps but use the nets the other way around ;)


I usually use a stealth net :hmm: but agree that the hide would probably have worked better in the bush. We know this as to our left there was a make shift perm hide in the bush that we used for a while which worked well :good:

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Also to add to the day I took the 1 yr old lab out this evening after shooting and has been successfully introduced to the gun with no issues at all......bonus all round he just sat there looking around not bothered at all :good: very happy bunny today :):yes:

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