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what gun?

wol the hunter

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hi to all.


as some of you may know i have been wanting to shoot muntjac.

i am going to get rid of my 17hmr as i dont use it and want to know whats the next best thing and will i be able to shoot muntjac and foxes ,i have been told a 223 will do .

any addvice cheers wol. :lol:


I dont think you are allowed to shoot Muntys with a .223 over their as yet. :huh:

The minimum you can use, from what i see is .243. :lol:

Altough, if the .223 was inroduced as a munty round, it would be pretty good i would imagine. :lol:

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Go for a .243, perfect round. Good for long range pest control and man enough for all the deer over here should you get the oppertunity to go for something bigger. Have one myself and have used it on a roe, not alot of meat damage and have seen a red taken down on the spot with it.





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