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First time out on my first ever permission


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Had my first walk round on my first ever permission this morning. I have listed what I saw below,




Phesant - out of season (running away across the field so not a sporting shot anyway)


walked up on to the moor where I heard several grouse without seeing any


2 deer - on the field next to my permission


Hare - not sure if hares are considered pests?? but let it go (was probably moving a bit quick for me if honest)


7 or 8 woodies - they were feeding at the bottom of a field as I walked in the top and flew off sharpish


rabbit - was in range but running over the brow of a slight hill, my permission ends just the other side of the hill and I couldn't be sure of what was in the way so didn't take the shot


Total shots fired - NIL



I went out about 8:30am so maybe I would see a bit more if I went out earlier or prehaps at dusk? Also do I need to work on my field craft and try to be a bit more sneaky? Still had a nice walk in the fresh air. Any comments or advice welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A good day then!,


It quite often happens that you go out and not see anything.


Field craft takes time to develope and the next time you go out you know what to expect to see and the locations of your quarry.


Knowing safe back stops and range/distance is very important.


Enjoy your permission and each time you go out you should see and learn something different


For years I have shot on three farms in hertfordshire and last year I moved to the NW and now have a farm permission in yorshire and have been out half a dozen times

it has 10 different fields to have a go at. its all seems new and different and will take time to learn the layout.


For rabbits: dawn and dusk seems to be one of the best times to go.



Enjoy your permission and be safe.






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I have fequently been out on a new permission and not bothered taking a shot! I like to get out and about on my permissions as often as the weather and the wife will allow me to as it gives me a chance to really get to know my permissions like the back of my hand, I sometimes even prefer to take my camera instead of a gun as there is always something new to see and learn from!

Knowing every square inch of your permissions really well is crucial to successful shooting, even more so when lamping, and it will give you the chance to improve your fieldcraft skills and learn where the regularly used runs are for various quarry on your permission.

Don't worry about not taking a shot during your first walk around your new permissions, being out there, watching, learning and improving your fieldcraft skills is what sucessful shooting it is all about - A sucessful shot thrown in is an added bonus mate!

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