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beretta 20g semi auto

corvid wings

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No they don't.


I had mine done at Hydrographics for £200. Ouch! But they do a good job

Thanks for that duck,just found one mentioned on internet ,phoned the shop oh we don't have it beretta say they are going to start shipping but havent yet !it's the AL391 TEKNYS IN WETLAND , never mind will keep looking ,thanks anyway mate .

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I have to ask why? Camp semi I get for foreshore big steel loads etc but why 20?


Hatsan do a Mossy Oak 20g......

hi ,it's not for fowl,just pigeon and corvids,thats all i seem to use these days,have a webley and scott 20 semi auto but it's letting me down to often,,and my 12g w+s doing the same ,can't stand using a 12g now they feel like a big cricket bat,still have a very good kill rate with the 20g but the price of cartridge is frightening.

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Webley seem to have lots of issues why not look at a Franchi fast or other lightweight 12? I don't use semi's but it seems there are very few camo 20 bore semi's

hi because i shoot with a mate who shoots with a semi auto beretta.never ever jams ,and i am very impressed,and sick of him laughing at me!!!i also own berettas 12g and 20g silver pigeons ,and they are faultless,my w+s 12g+20g semi autos worked great this past year but have just recently started playing up.

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SO then why own 2 silver pigs? I would debate SA being lighter...


Because we want to ;)


My 12g Urika light is 6 1/2lbs


My 20g Teknys is 6lbs


Both will fire relatively heavy loads without discomfort and the 20gauge in particular is great for walking distance without fatigue but still enough gun for most situations. 4 bunnies with it tonight in fact :D

Edited by sitsinhedges
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