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I would say 12bore,I had one of those single barrel shotguns with the full length tubes think they were called pedretti,With 12bore sub ammo it sounded like a 22rimfire :good: But if u take alook at this link they do double barrels now in 20bore http://www.saddleryandgunroom.co.uk/Gunroom/SG_Hushpower.htm

That's where I got mine from.



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Guest cookoff013

get a 12gauge, it`ll be better in the long run, feeding it subs cant be easyer.


just make them. way more choice of purchasing them too. multiple recipes about, i burned of 200 homeloads last weekend.


dont get me wrong, the 20 is a fantastic gauge. but 12gauge does it better. especially for the "foxes" bit.

which i dont get...... really?


for what you said, 12gauge all the way. then you can experiment with the bigger loads for "foxes"

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Tough one really. The 20bores are nice cos you have 2 barrels, but they are mega rare and huge money. You can get a single barrel .410 pedretti or baikel one for 1/3rd or 1/2 of the price 2nd hand. Any hushpower will hold its value well though as they are very popular. Ive not really seen many 12 bore ones for sale, most of the ones which pop up every now and then are the .410 variety. If you look on the saddlery and gunrooms website you can see their range there.


.410`s are more expensive to run than the 12 bore... cartridges when I last bought some were twice the price for the .410.


I went for the mossberg pump action hushpower cos I wanted more than 1 shot. It was a tough choice between the 12bore or the .410 one. I opted for the .410 in the end as it was a smaller gun, and I was predominantly after rabbits, so felt the 12 was overkill. Occasionally you see them in the for sale section, but normally they are twice as expensive as the single barrel ones.


Id recommend trying one out before buying as depending on where you fire it you may be disappointed with how loud it is.

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Guest cookoff013

thanks for the imfo lads i need someone that can reload me some 20 gauge ammo in bigger shot size


maybe you should reload for yourself. i certainly wouldnt put myself in the position of reloading for someone else....



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