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Gun Mount.


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i have in the past stood in the garden when there are a lot of birds flying around and swung the gun onto them as theo i was shooting. I live in the middle of nowhere so am not overlooked. not a good idea if your on an estate :blink: :lol:

also put a mark on the wall and mount onto it and do it again and again do it when the family are our or your only get stick from the wife :lol:

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With an empty gun stand on an imaginary clock in front of a mirror.Assuming your right handed put your left foot at about 11 and your right at about 2 with most of your weight over your back foot.Holding your gun horizontally push the barrels away from you(leaning 'into' the path of your target transfers your weight onto your front foot which aids momentum)as you bring it horizontally back into your shoulder.Try this with your eyes closed,only opening them when the gun is in your shoulder.You can shut your left eye to check where the rib is in relation to your right eye.

Keeping the gun horizontal prevents 'see-sawing'it,which prevents snagging and also losing sight of your target under your barrels.

Once you've found the optimum spot for your mount(eye and rib alignment)then practise,practise,practise.This builds muscle memory.Don't worry about gun fit.You can't fit a gun to someone who can't mount a gun consistently in the correct place.In reality most folk pick a gun which they like,and 'feels' right,and then learn to shoot with it.

Saying all that,if you can afford it(which I couldn't when I started,but it was over 40 years ago!Didn't even have a license..come to think of it my Dad probably didn't either!)will pay dividends. :good:

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Some excellent tips there, thank you everyone :good:


Been practising over the past few nights in the mirror and the action of bringing the gun up is slowly starting to turn from two or three jerky movements to one fluid move.


Going to book some more lessons to double check that what I am doing is right and I'm not wasting my time. Just can't wait to get the hang of things and then get out and bash some Woodies!


Thanks again.

Edited by oilyrag
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