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deben lithium ion battery pack


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Hi guys I'm toyying with the idea of getting the new 22ah deben lithium ion battery pack as my lead batteries are getting tiered now but are they worth the money? 50% of my lamping is on foot as we just cnt get a 4x4 on there so really don't know if to spend the £220 on a batterie. Any thoughts guys?

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in a word - yes! the weight difference is amazing ; it will feel like not carrying anything if you are used to lumping a lead acid battery around, also the led power level light on the battery is a good feature. they also dont slowly drop off in power like lead-acid.


I had a similar thought process - as much of my land is not really driveable so most lamping was done on foot.


my only gripe was the cable/plug arrangement - but see my other thread ( http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/158149-deben-lithium-lamping-battery/page__p__1343852__fromsearch__1#entry1343852 ) - they look like they have sorted this now (i will confirm this when it arrives)


the biggest problem i had was getting over the mental block of forking out that much for a battery.

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