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lamping rabbits last night


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well not been able to get out for a week so with a good wind blowing last night i saddled up the trusty quad and grabbed the .22.headed to a farm thats nearby with couple stubble fields left.on arrival quick shine and spotted a fox which didnt hang about didnt hold out much hope of there being rabbits out ..but suprisingly there was ,lit up 3 rabbits within yards of each other shot 1st rabbit 2nd ran towards the shot one so drppped it.. quickly followed by 3rd,good start took few more from here then moved on to next which is 60 acres.quick shine and couldnt believe what i saw 3 rabbits 40 yards away a roe deer 5 yards behind them followed by two foxes at about 80 -90 yds.the roe legged it shot two rabbits and foxes just walked on always see them when youve only got rimmie anyways continued on shooting the rabbits finished with 16 and saw plenty that hopped in before shot could be taken.nice to be outeven for couple hours



Edited by remmy1100
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