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how to get rid of foxes?


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Foxes are normally very sensitive to disturbance around the cubbing site. Just go to the shed, have a good look around, maybe dig around a bit at the entrance holes or let a dog have a good sniff about etc. Generally let the vixen know you have found her cubs. She will then relocate them soon after you leave, job done.


If you can do it in private (or after dark) have a pee outside the entrance (or take some in a bottle), or sprinkle some 'Reynardin' (available from country stores). The above is correct - foxes don't like human attention and will move on. However - having found the chickens the adults will keep coming back unless you kill them.



There is a problem for you with snares in an urban environment - Cats. There is a very good chance that you will get a neighbours moggy. Unless you can be sure to release it unharmed pretty quickly then you will cause yourself a lot of grief with the locals (and maybe the old bill as well).


Let us know how you get on.



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Years ago we had some success in similar circumstances with diesel soaked rags pushed down the hole. I like the sound of the jeye's fluid trick too. Human wate, fluid or hair left about should make the vixen relocate her cubs. Let us know how you get on.



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