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Hi all


Not sure where to put this post. Just got some new permision for rabbits but the guy also has problems with moles digging up his yard. Do i need a licence to get rid of them? Or is the only way to trap and re-home them?

Carn't find anything online that gives a clear answer.


Many thanks

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Tunnel traps or scissor traps, these kill. You can get a none lethal smoke bomb which you put in the tunnel and it makes them move on as they hate it, they also line the tunnels so they won't move back in.

I don't know on the other hand how far away they will move and for how long but they are sold in most garden centres.

If you know some one in the pest control business they use these tablets which I think are called photoxin these react with the moisture in the ground and kilsl all the moles, this is very effective but you must use it properly because it will kill you if enhaled.

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I have used the tablets & must say they are the best way to go but as said earlier they will knock you off your feet if not handled correctly also when i purchased mine we had to prove by means of a small holders number on deeds.

Good luck with your permission :good:

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If the guy is having trouble at the moment, it may well be because the mole is sorting out his winter quarters. Although you wouldn't put a trap in or by a hill, if you trace the run there you may find that it pretty quickly starts to run down as opposed to along and placing the traps can be difficult. Duffus is your best option. However, it may all cease once the little man in the velvet waistcoat is satisfied and as everything is going to be dormant, you may as well wait until spring, although, it must be said that at that point you may have to contend with the results of the breeding season.

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If there's only one it's pretty simple. Pick a nice warm day and take your shotgun, a deck chair and a can of beer to where his hills are at. Sit in said deck chair with beer and loaded shotgun and wait quietly until the hill moves. Then shoot the hill. A good heavy load works best - I use 42g #1.


It's dead easy and quite a relaxing way to get the job done. :good:

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Trapping is the way to go..Moles dont go dormant at this time of year.. Now until April is the main time to trap them.. Dont live catch and relocate..

Yep, I didn't mean that the moles would be dormant - they'll keep feeding every four hours or so as normal or kaput - meant the crops would be dormant so minimal damage.

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