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Side by Side or over and under

Ben D

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Hi I opened this topic to find out peoples general views on the subject. I have been shooting since I was 10 with a 20ga L.T. Bland. I'm going to get a new 16 hopefully, but I've had some heated discussions on whether to get side by side or over and under.


Thanks in advance for your views!!!


Ben D -


Hi I opened this topic to find out peoples general views on the subject. I have been shooting since I was 10 with a 20ga L.T. Bland. I'm going to get a new 16 hopefully, but I've had some heated discussions on whether to get side by side or over and under.


Thanks in advance for your views!!!


Ben D -


Sorry wrong place


Ben D -

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I believe this is a long running debate amongst the shooting community and that opinion is divided on it. I think it all comes down to your own preference i have shot both side by sides and over and unders and presonally shoot better with an over and under but then that is probably due to the fact that my first gun was an over and under and it what i mostly use so i am used to them. My brother on the otherhand is a much better shot with a side by side as it is what he is used to using.


I wil say one thing in favour of the over and under though, I find them to be much more "pointable" due to them having a single narrow sighting plain and so you don't have both barrels in your vision. But thats my opinion and agian is probably due to me using an over and under mostly

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I shoot equally badly with both!


Side b sides are easier to carry 'at rest' due to the greater width of the gun (to spread the weight) that rests on your forearm.


Also, they are easier to reload in a pigeon hide.



Over and unders have a better sighting plane, and are more 'pointable'. This is why they are used for clay pigeon shooting. Do they absorb recoil better - I personally think so.


Most over and unders are also proofed for the heavier cartridges, and are usually fitted with multi chokes.



You pays your money and takes your choice.



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I could never shoot an o/u untill i bought one lately, i'd tried a few but couldn't get away with them as had only owned semi's and pumps. In a moment of maddness i went out and bought one, shot badly again untill i'd had a few rounds of clays, now its my first choice out of the cabinet!


What i'm saying is aswell as the gun fits and feels well with practice you'll love it!


I'd also go for a 12g rather than 16g as cartrage availability is better and there cheaper! :yp:

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Ok I have got one of Each SbS O/U and a auto.


WIll always use the atuo for clays and wildfowling as it has 31/2" chambers for the wildfowl and mutli chockes for the clays.


The SbS will always be my first choice for the game shooting and when out with other shooters.

Its a lot lighter than the others for carrying around in the fields.


The o/u is chambered 3" and used to do all the work the Auto now does so is sort of spare at the moment.


It all depends what you you like and what you fancy. If I was in your shoes I would probably keep the 20 (as long as it still fits) and get a 12 o/u.


Just my opinion.



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Ben, I started shooting with my dad's second gun a s/s Ilsley and then had several more of my own s/s's. Then I tried an o/u and liked it and have not looked back. If I won the lottery I do not think I would change back to s/s as I like the single sighting plane. I know the gape on the o/u is not as good as a s/s so loading shells into your gun can be marginally harder but I do not think it matters to me!


I do not know of a top competition shot using a s/s in major championships which must make you think (I might be wrong?). Also if an o/u (or three) were good enough for Joe Nickerson they are certainly good enough for the likes of me :yp:



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Flytie, whilst nobody uses a SBS in major clay events, check the results of the 2005 EJ Churchill-run European Side-by-Side Championships. Richard Faulds with 94 ex 100 (I believe), and the high gun winning with 96 ex 100. http://www.wwsg.org.uk/pages/eurosidebysideresults.html


Some of the finest shots in the land use only side by sides - they have just never entered a competition.

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Flytie, whilst nobody uses a SBS in major clay events, check the results of the 2005 EJ Churchill-run European Side-by-Side Championships. Richard Faulds with 94 ex 100 (I believe), and the high gun winning with 96 ex 100. http://www.wwsg.org.uk/pages/eurosidebysideresults.html


Some of the finest shots in the land use only side by sides - they have just never entered a competition.

Baldrick, just been reading about live pigeon shooting competitions and they still seem to use a lot of s/s's! I know some very good shots do use side by sides, I have been priviliged to load for one or two in the past but I have yet to find out about anybody emulating the late, great Percy Stanbury and winning a competition with one. It would be nice to see though. From what I hear from one of my friends who does a lot of loading at high bird shoots in Yorkshire and Somerset o/u's are becoming the norm. It's sad really :no:



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