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Just watched this weeks episode, where was this bloke educated? he thinks 14.8 mm is one inch any one who went to school should know that 1 inch is 25.4mm, 14.8 is just bigger than 9/16 of an inch And as for the 505 Gibs he waved it about like an umbrella what a Muppet not safe with a sharp pencil if you ask me.




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Just watched this weeks episode, where was this bloke educated? he thinks 14.8 mm is one inch any one who went to school should know that 1 inch is 25.4mm, 14.8 is just bigger than 9/16 of an inch And as for the 505 Gibs he waved it about like an umbrella what a Muppet not safe with a sharp pencil if you ask me.






No idea and not seen it, a simple mistake or just a senior moment, who knows!


I've known Charlie for several years, although I have not spoken to him in over a year, always struck me as a reasonable guy who has obviously been to school!



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I just watched this weeks episode. Interesting comparrison between the soft point bullets and balastic tips. I Was a bit surprised that they decided to shoot a stag on top of a hill with a .270 when there was clearly no safe backstop. Its even more worrying when you remember that the ramblers have the same rights on the land as stalkers.

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Pm him he is on here deerstalker. As for the backstop the camera often has a different view to the shooter so without being there its very hard to comment. Was a cracking piece and a very good advert for norma


I've heard people knock Charlie Jacoby, but I like him. At the Norma factory he was just being excited and enthusiastic--like most of us would be. I like his irreverant--sometimes almost insulting remarks--and the way he doesn't flinch from taking the **** out of the antis. He gets away with it because of a natural charm.


At least he got up off his backside and produced a programme completely different from anything on mainstream TV with its crappy reality shows and junk like X factor. I hope he's successful in pulling in the ad revenue so he can expand the programme. Personally, I don't mind the heavy product placement if he's willing

to bring fieldsports, especially shooting, to a wider audience.


And no, he's not my mate! :)

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