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Does this look like a fox run?


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Does this look like a fox run to you guys? I'm new to fox shooting so trying to learn the signs and after seeing frenchie's vid it looks the same to me. They run around the perimeter and under the fence and look bigger and more used than the smaller bunny tracks!


This is a 20 acre open paddock that has a lot of bunnies and fox which I'm just waiting for land clearance to shoot the .22lr & .22wmr on.


There's a lorry trailer with a sliding door on the side that I reckon I'll be able to set up in as an ambush point which will elevate me off the deck by around 6ft or so :good:


Ordered a Wam caller so gonna be interesting to see how I get on :hmm:



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Stratts mate, Looking at the photos I would say that it is a foxes run. Where it goes through under the fence have you checked to see if there is any hair caught on the wire (If there is any wire)? Maybe you could try following it to see where it comes from and where it goes to, that might give you a few clues.

If,(as is suspected) it is a fox then it might be worth baiting it for a few days then when it is taking the bait regularly try setting up a clock to see what time it comes through for it's meal - That might well save you a lot of time wasted sitting out all through the night when you decide the time is right to nail it!

Edit: If it does turn out to be a were rabbit you had better take a large wooden cross and a clove of garlic with you along with a pointed wooden stake - Just in case!:lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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NO..Foxes walk in a straight line,as in their footprints are in a line 1 in front of the other.They wouldn't regularly zig zag like that path does.

Check their tracks in the snow.


Is that a water bowser at the far end of the field?if so i think the track is from whatever is usually in the paddock,that's not to say it's not being used by a Fox.


Therefore Frenchie's idea of baiting 1st is a good 1 :good:


Just for the record,i think the track in Frencie's vid is from a badger as they are more regular path users but being used by a Fox!


Edited to suggest fixing a piece of bramble over the run on the fence to catch some of the users hair..therefore identifying it ;)

Edited by grasshopper
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NO..Foxes walk in a straight line,as in their footprints are in a line 1 in front of the other.They wouldn't regularly zig zag like that path does.Check their tracks in the snow.


Is that a water bowser at the far end of the field?if so i think the track is from whatever is usually in the paddock,that's not to say it's not being used by a Fox.


Therefore Frenchie's idea of baiting 1st is a good 1 :good:


Just for the record,i think the track in Frencie's vid is from a badger as they are more regular path users but being used by a Fox!


Edited to suggest fixing a piece of bramble over the run on the fence to catch some of the users hair..therefore identifying it ;)



Foxes follow a route/smell once established! If he got distracted by assorted smells/sights/noises on his original forage, or he was tracking something else, or he didn't like the look of the ground, the route could very easily follow/create a track as shown! :yes::good:

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Get what your saying Dekers,but can't see a fox making that kind of path.They follow there noses too much,as in they are all over the place checking out smells and scents.


If they were simply crossing a field regularly too get to a favoutite feeding place,then they would be across quickly in a straight line.


The run in the 2nd photo to the post looks more like a fox run :yes:


This is what makes hunting so interesting,good luck Stratts :good:

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Thanks guys tbh there are so many runs all over the paddocks, some deep, some shallow, some straight, some not, it's gonna be interesting for sure!


I just decided to photo that one as I was getting back in the car. There was one that went under a fence but I saw no hair at all which I checked after seeing the vid. There was a pile of poo here too but no idea if it was a fox, badger or even a dog, but it was in a position where dog walkers would not get to!


When I get the caller I'm gonna sit in the trailer (and hope the tramp don't come home!!) and see what happens coz I need to learn to use it anyway.


Will report back when I get the land cleared and have a go :good:

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