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The Right wet weather gear??


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Hi all,


Not sure if this is the right section but here goes, Not been shooting for long and thanks to a member of this forum will hopefully be going out for my first live quarry. But what is the best all-weather gear that is also good value, I've been looking around and founf on the great bargain site, this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310361732049?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 which also has the matching jacket for £49.99 total, which I think is a good price but is it any good at that price??

also been looking at the Jack Pyke range and again on that great auction site I've found a set, Jacket and trousers for £94.99, So are they worth the money???

Or what else is out there?? what do people think of these options and what do other people reccommend as essensial wet-weather gear??


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I make do with either my old wax cotton jacket or a slightly oversized DPM jacket with a few jumpers under it with wellies and DPM waterproof trousers too if its torential out there. Take a pick of a random assortment of hats and gloves and alls well. Works out inexpensive (apart from the wellies) and does the same job in my experience. :good: However, you must try things out for yourself, after all, everyone see's things differently.

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I have the jack pyke set you mentioned in the olive green. Plus side... Cheap, waterproof so far, silent so good for stalking ur quarry, loads of pockets and its also a smart coat you can wear day to day. Only negative is it doesn't breathe amazingly so can get damp on the sleeves if you get hot and sweat. But yeh, I'd recommend :)

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I have loads of milsurp C95 stuff which is dirt cheap and gets the majority of use.

You can put layers on underneath to keep warm, it dries quickly and it's so cheap you can play around with dying it if you don't like the colour and you can wax cotton it yourself if you fancy a play.



I have a real tree jacket that cost £300 which I have worn three times in two years.


I also bought some kit similar to that you show off the bay and it was cack.

It makes you sweat even when it's -8C, not flexible so a real problem when leopard crawling, the pockets are welded and they don't seal properly so you daren't put anything in them.


If you have more money and want good all around hunting clothing buy something in a dark green, you may be surprised how hard it is to see someone in dark green.

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I used to use my old army issue goretex jacket and trousers but to be honest was never very impressed as they seems very cheap and poor quality and any thing heavier than a good shower came through. Another annoying point is the lack of pockets. I now use a Dutch army issue jacket which is much superior being cottom lined and having pockets.


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