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nice couple of trips


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went out for a couple of bunnies wednesday on a local patch. i hit a few and proceeded to gut them as i wanted a few for the pot. i left the guts where they fell and after five minutes and first flash of the lamp a poor mangie fox was sat there eating the remains. he was small week with a bloated gut and bad mange along its back, face, tail. its a real shame to see a creature as stunning as a fox in such bad shape






also i had to play santa and deliever bottles of wine and chocolates to all the farmers so not one to turn down a shoot opportunity i took the rifle and fitted in a morning stalk to try for a roe doe for xmas but it was very quiet and not a roe in sight. on the return to the car a munty doe presented herself for a shot, it was taken and i now have a full freezer for over the break. game pies all round :good:





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Good going Andy, you did that fox a service by ending his misery. What does a Munty like that weigh?, just curious.


he ways about the same as your white tails nut sack :lol::lol:


not a lot i get about 15-20lb of meat so with head and pelt still on i would say about does 30lb bucks hevier pushing 40's


Sorry Andy,I forgot to say nice Muntjac too!



no probs mate she was nice just had her for tea :P:P

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Eew, the probably wouldn't thank you, but he's better off the way he is now. At least he can't spread it any further.


your right that did stop it spreading. i red up on the mange mite and its quite a vicious little bug ger


it will eventualy take over the whole fox , some of the images on google make you a bit :sick::sick:

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good god is that what they weigh thats some meat :yes::yes:


Don't get me wrong Andy and I am sorry if I implied they all weigh 200#. the buck I posted here a while back went 250# field dressed, would have put him over 300 live weight but he was in his prime age wise(4 1/2). Most does will run 100-150 and average buck around 175-225. I have found that they yield about 1/2 dressed weight, that's boned out meat with most fat trimmed. :yes:

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