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Lead training


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Would the training listed here http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/2870-obediance-training/ work with a 5 year old cocker more pacifically the lead training part. His general obedience around the house is great as he will basically do any thing for a treat but does pull like a train. Which basically means he is a pain too walk so does not get out as much as he would if he was trained as all the family members would love too take him out and about more.

His other issue is his excitability when you come too a door or gate he starts too get all squeaky and hyper (this applies too lots of situations). I do all ways try to make him wait and I go first.



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Do me a favour and take the dog for a normal walk. During that walk have someone count and record how many steps you take before the dog starts pulling,how often the dog is in position, how many times you pull back on the lead, how many times you say heel, and sit.


Post this up for me and I will put somethng together for you.



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Do me a favour and take the dog for a normal walk. During that walk have someone count and record how many steps you take before the dog starts pulling,how often the dog is in position, how many times you pull back on the lead, how many times you say heel, and sit.


Post this up for me and I will put somethng together for you.




Well just took him out.

He starts too get excited when he see's the lead so this is where it starts. I get him sat down down fine with one sit. Get the lead on and he starts too squeak but not too bad. Some times he will yap the place down but then I refuse too take him.

I go too the door and make a point of keeping him behind me.

We then made it a whole 70 yards before he started too pull. Now this is some thing new because as a rule it would be about 4 yards if that.

Now this may have been because this morning he had a run around the woods or last night I had been trying your program for the pup. But he ignored the treat so started switching direction every time he pulled (googled that one).

After the 70 yards we did about a mile with him walking tidy 5 times for a short period each time.

I pulled back on the lead and said heel in excess of twenty times. He all ways seems to want too be some where else asap and if you come too a gate or a road which delays things he starts too get excited and noisy

Thank you for taking the time too reply NTTF much appreciated

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You are on the right track with the heeling. Be sure when you take him out to have him sit, then tell him heel while stepping off on the left foot. His right shoulder is to be even with your left leg, if his shoulder is behind you he is lagging and needs to be encouraged to speed up with some kissy noisies or thata boys. If his shoulder is in front of your leg, he is forging and this is where you pivot 180 degrees on your right foot giving a solid pop, (correction), on the lead at the same time. Always vary the number of steps you take in this reverse direction before turning around or you will have your dog counting and turning before you want him to. Do this for the next week and let me know where he is at.


As for the squeaking I would like you to try something for me. Make up a 6 inch tab of rope with the a snap. Set the dog up with a flat collar and snap the tab on. Let him wear this in the house. I am expecting him to start whinning as soon as he sees and feels it snapped on. Let him squeak and ignore him! When he goes quiet, tell him good boy and snap the tab off for a bit. Then repeat.


If he is quiet and you can switch the tab for the lead to give him a walk great, if not slip the lead on and go as I know there is a need to get him out. How ever once he is staying quiet with the tab on snap a lead on him and let him drag this around the house. Again ignoring the squeaking and the dog unless he is quiet.


If you have any questions let me know, and let me know what is happening so we can change anything that is not working.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well too update you the training is going great last night for example during a one mile walk I had too correct him 4 times compared too 44 a week ago.

Also getting excited when we go is getting much better. He has learnt though when I am pretending to go and just put the lead and when I am really going. When he knows I am not really going he just goes too sleep with half an eye open on me in case.

I think he is walking slightly too far ahead when my left leg is forward his shoulder is level with my foot but he is not pulling so I haven't complained

But there has been a massive improvement very quickly thanks too your help.

I am going too keep concentrating on the lead training then once that is definitely drummed in I can move on too other aspects of his behaviour



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Having now got my lab pup, this is making for interesting reading, printed off all the guides etc and starting to put them into practise. NTTF you are a star, thanks for taking the time to put it all on here.



One question if i may, i am away 1 or 2 nights a week and although my wife does a grat job, will the fact that i cannot train her those two nights have a detrimental effect?.





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If he is dropping his nose while you are heeling, keep walking in a forward direction, give a command....I use " no sniff".......and at the same time give a pop on the lead in an upwards direction.





You will be fine missing a couple nights a week if you have to. Life has a tendancy to get in the way of a perfect world.

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Please sir,please may i ask more? :P


She is now nine weeks,I have got her a slip lead but she really does resist it by sitting down and sticking her heels in. I haven't dragged her yet but that is what would be needed to make her move.


Do i just start her with a collar. She hasn;'t hae her last injections yet so i can't take her out properly. She does have a mad ten mins in the garden.


How long should i be walking her for and what advice on the lead please.


She keeps trying to chew zips and fingers and toes. A sharp no and i give her a chew toy, is this also correct.


Getting lots of different advice so need a defenitive answer from the expert


Thanks again



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