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bloody ferrets


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after been out with the ferrets and guns this morning i thort u would give the jills a rest and send 1 of the hobs down a warren he went down brill but wouldnt *** back up sat for 2 hrs still no show :angry: so i blocked the holes off went for a cuppa then went back still no sign of him ill be getting wrong of the misses if i dnt get him bk thats was her fav :blush:

iv blocked the holes off dug into one of the runs and put his box in there and covered the top over with wood and heavie stones if there anything else i could do to help get him back and advice welcome first time they have never come back think im going to have to get a locator sorted naw

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well just spent the last 1hr 45 up there no sign (wish i took my gun tho was afew rabbits :blush: ) took some bacon and put it in his box dont think i'll be allowed to use him again haha if theres no sign by tomoro will put a live trap down and unblock the holes and working on getting some ferret finders made :blush: thanks guy will keep you posted

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best thing to do is gut a rabbit and put it in a purse bet and leave it in the hole like its been caught and will come up within minutes! as soon as they smell guts ad keep squeaking like a distressed rabbit! you will find it very soon with that method

Unfortunately not always though.. still a good tip to keep in mind but i dont put ferrets to ground with out locator collars espeachly big ones.

Block all the holes up put the live trap down with food and bedding, good luck.

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