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Bipod and low magnification sight on an air rifle?

cant hit rabbits 123

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Evening chaps!


When I was younger I was into airgunning, I had a battered old webley circa the 60's and made do with that, later adding a telescope that I could never zero because the barrel was bent. :lol: Anyway, I moved onto shotgunning and further away from air rifles. I recently had a bit of a revival and bought a new air rifle. I considered putting a moderator and consulted PW, but there were non about for the make and the plastic muzzle cover made getting to the metal barrel to tap it for too hard so that idea went out. I'm now considering buying a bipod to attatch to the barrel and a low magnification sight, reflex type thing. Is this practile, useful or even a good idea on a break barrel air rifle?


Mnay thanks for your help! :good:

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Mixed reviews on mounting a bipod to a spring gun. Supposedly the recoil being doubled up causes havoc with accuracy... I've tried it. Had one inch groups at 30m. To be honest, now I keep my bipod for my pcp and now shoot springs rifles hand held only. As for a sight, whatever floats your boat. Reflex would be good for close range applications. Personally I prefer lower magnification for hunting and high magnification for target shooting.



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You could try making some shooting sticks and rest your forearm on the sticks rather than the gun. For the price of a length of 1" x 1/2" batten and a nut and bolt it might be worth a try. I keep meaning to try using one of those cheapo three legged camping stools as a rest for my arm - I got one from a pound shop but can't find the damn thing.

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A bipod isn't a good idea on any springer and putting it on the barrel will do nothing but throw your accuracy way off.



A bipod on a spring air rifle causes nothing but problems, all accuracy is gone



Putting a Bipod on a Springer, especially an old or cheap one, is not generally to be recommended.


But your comments above are off base, my lad had a Gamo Shadow until recently and used it a LOT with a Bipod, he mastered the technique and achieved very good results. :yes::yes:



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Well done to your lad, if you can make it work then fair play, but resting your rifle on your barrel will completely change your poi at best and will make any standing shots impossible after zeroing with the bipod.



FalconFN, no point in causing a debate, I would simply say perseverance and experience :yes::yes: , he regularly knocked down bunnies at 30 yards freestanding as well! :yes::yes:



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