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Law on blank firiing pistols


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As far as i know aslong as there top venting then they can be sold to anyone over 18


If they vent through the barrel there sec 5 firearms and possesion of such will land you in some seriously hot water


I may be wrong on the selling lark (unsure if the vcr act affects blank firers) so stand by to be corrected

Edited by M.I.A
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There is truth in the above post, there are certain western type pistols namely a make called trinity, that are legal forward venters as there were tested at a time when the goverment would test them.


Now they dont test them so any modern forward venters that are readily for sale in europe for example will not be uk legal even though the barrels are pinned.

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The person they're selling them too has to be an active member of an airsofting/re-enactors club or be someone involved with supplying props etc to the tv/film industry - and have proof of the above (i.e. UKARA membership card/number etc) Otherwise he'll need to get the luminous paint out :rolleyes:



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