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old benneli


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hi i have just bought a benelli semi auto went out with it an i could not unload it pulled the handle back and the round in the chamber poped out but did not load an other from the mag in to the chamber it did when i shot it tho in the finish when i finished i had to shoot the rounds of to empty it any ideas of what is rong

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hi there, I have a Montifeltro and it does exactly the same thing. Whe you unload it it throws the round out of the chamber but doesnt feed another round. If you look at the front of the trigger guard there might be a small chrome button with a red dot on it. Its the mag release button. See attached pic below. Push this and it will release a round into the shell lifter, you can then cycle the bolt, feed and eject the round. Repeat until empty.


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I'm pretty sure that the benelli (and also the franchi for sure) do not cycle unspent rounds as you're trying to do. You have to eject the round from the chamber and close the bolt. Flip the gun over and lift up the silver lifter as if you were loading a round into the magazine. Then hit the red mag release (or reach in and push the metal clip on the franchi). That will allow the rounds in the magazine to slide back opposite the way you loaded them.


Some guns cycle the fresh rounds to empty (1100, A5, etc). Some don't.




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I'm pretty sure that the benelli (and also the franchi for sure) do not cycle unspent rounds as you're trying to do. You have to eject the round from the chamber and close the bolt. Flip the gun over and lift up the silver lifter as if you were loading a round into the magazine. Then hit the red mag release (or reach in and push the metal clip on the franchi). That will allow the rounds in the magazine to slide back opposite the way you loaded them.


Some guns cycle the fresh rounds to empty (1100, A5, etc). Some don't.






My Benelli 12 works this way :good:

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