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Anyone here do sea fishing??


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I tried some sea fishing from the beach where I was staying (Cornish coast). I used lugworms and sand eels the sand eels weren't succesful for me but with the lugworms I caught two sea bass - the larger one now in my freezer was 17" long the other I caught was a similar size but since I already had one in the bag I put it back. I go down there a couple of times a year so now I have the tackle I'm going to try it more. For now though does anyone have any good recipes for seabass :ernyha:

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William would not advise it the max you would get is £3.50 a pound. I used to fish for bass for a living, i had to give it up as it was not profitable any more with the price of petrol being what it is. I was using £50 pluss a day in the boat so it was becoming unviable with the price of bass being so low some times we would get only £1.50 a pound if there were a lot of fish around. £14 a pound is what you would pay in a restraunt not what the fish markets pay.so become a fish monger they make the money.

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William would not advise it the max you would get is £3.50 a pound. I used to fish for bass for a living, i had to give it up as it was not profitable any more with the price of petrol being what it is. I was using £50 pluss a day in the boat so it was becoming unviable with the price of bass being so low some times we would get only £1.50 a pound if there were a lot of fish around. £14 a pound is what you would pay in a restraunt not what the fish markets pay.so become a fish monger they make the money.

Yeah mate, was a joke :ernyha:

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William have you got the hump with me over somthing? I knew what you were saying was lighthearted. but my reply was the facts as they are if you want delete the post i dont care i ,as a unbeliver i seem to have upset you if thats the case i appologise, but you want to lighten up. im glad you caught those bass as there is no other fish in our seas that deserves the attention they get they can be easely caught one day and devily hard the next .Thats what makes them facinating.I have in the past come in for some harsh words of you.Not all of them have been warrented but i would like to know what it is that i have done to you that makes you so aggresive towards me .

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Yes i do a bit of sea fishing,what beaches did you fish when you were down?Try ragworm aswell thats usually quite good ???

Ever heard of the beach Praa Sands?


The bloke was out of ragworm when i went there, besides i hear they bite :ernyha: :blink:

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Got to agree with Tiercel there, I worked like a dog a couple of summers ago digging lugworm to deadline for bass just accross the estuary from Tiercel. I got £2 per lb from a local wholesaler for my efforts. Bass is an excellent

tasting fish but at £14 a lb? no thanks. There are many recipes for bass but I personally dont like my fish messed about. After scaling them simply fillet then fry them , floured with salt and pepper, to get the true natural taste.

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Bass is an excellent tasting fish but at £14 a lb? no thanks. 

I agree I woudn't pay £14 a lb personally but check out your supermarket, albeit the fish is filleted but trust me the price will be around £14 a lb. Obviously this will not be the price you recieve as you are selling wholesale the same way as if you sold pheasant or pigeon in large numbers to game dealers. Hence my comment was a joke saying I would take it up fulltime :ernyha:

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Seven coats, the final coat was going good... but almost when it was dry (would have left a lovely shiny finish) I saw there were some small lines in it rather than let it dry like that I took it off so still have to do it if I choose. The main reason for oiling it though was that on the underside the stock was in dire need, the looks of it don't bother me too much (although it does look a lot better now :ernyha: ) so I'm yet to be convinced of trying to get a shiny finish as I think it will be hard to get it entirely smooth all over :blink:

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A friend of mine was having a party and wanted to serve her guests up some Bass.

For the size of the party, 24 I think, her fish supplier told her she would need four 4lb fish and she would have to pay £200.00 for them.

The beaters had a look in their freezers and came up with the goods a lot cheaper.

Little did she know that her employees catch loads of Bass on her own property. http://www.anglingforums.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=189


We used to go out in the Portland Race in the 70s. The best session two of us had, was 27 fish averaging between 7 and 8 lb in an hour and a quarter, using ABU perks.


Livebait is the most affective way to catch Bass. Two of us had 86lb (16 fish)one evening in one of the entrances to Portland harbour.


I heard of someone going into a Paris eatery and being told that the Bass they served was the very best, from the tide race off Portland Bill.


The Bass off Portland now average much smaller than 30 years ago, a sure sign of over-fishing.

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