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Theoben rapid air tank discharged on dry firing??


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Hi all you Rapid users

Just got a really nice rapid 7 today and after shooting it for a day I went to dry fire the gun and it made a big Woosh and discharged the buddy bottle!

My friend thinks the buddy was not fully tightened up on the gun by previous owner when refilling ?

Thoughts and comments greatly received as I just got the gun today and am new to Rapids!

Gun shoots very nicely though just gotta refill bottle now!!

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sounds like the buddy bottle was not tightened up and the air escaped past the "O" ring or if the air was discharge out the barrel the it's likely to be the valve stem thats went esp if anyone has been playing about with the springs in it.


have a look on http://www.theoben-rapid.co.uk/forums/index.php?act=home and yowillil get all the help you need including parts.

Edited by Davy Holt
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Did it make a big 'woosh' and blow when you were disconnecting the buddy bottle? if so when you disconnect it you must shoot it around 8 times then slowly turn it around one full turn then repeat the process firing and turning until you finally fire it then you will here the air finally blow then you can turn it straight off, hope this helps




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The gun lost air when I dry fired it at the end of shooting I was not disconnecting the bottle at all. It whooshed with air and I felt the bottle was loose after that.

I just bought the gun and the shop had fitted a new fully charged bottle so my thoughts are they had not screwed it on properly? The B-----s

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The gun lost air when I dry fired it at the end of shooting I was not disconnecting the bottle at all. It whooshed with air and I felt the bottle was loose after that.

I just bought the gun and the shop had fitted a new fully charged bottle so my thoughts are they had not screwed it on properly? The B-----s

Ahh i see that was probably the problem, hope you get things sorted regards,


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Oh yes it can if the bottle is not securely fitted!

Common issue with pcps I'm told particularly buddy bottles.

if this was to happen it would happend every time i take off and put on my bottle !!! but never has done on any my 4rapids and 2 s10's


i must just be lucky i suppose,


wheere in essex are you pal

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