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R10 vs Scorpion/ultra/tactical????


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Hi all, I am a proud owner of a R10 mk1 .22 which IMO is a truly stunning rifle. I totally adore it, BUT am always worried about damaging stock, getting it soaked, dirty etc. So with this is mind I am toying with the idea of selling it and getting something tactical so doesnt matter if gets grubby, not worry about it getting knocked etc.


So does anyone have any experience / input of R10 vs Scorpion etc etc?? Or any other tactical options to look at?


Many thanks



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Hi all, I am a proud owner of a R10 mk1 .22 which IMO is a truly stunning rifle. I totally adore it, BUT am always worried about damaging stock, getting it soaked, dirty etc. So with this is mind I am toying with the idea of selling it and getting something tactical so doesnt matter if gets grubby, not worry about it getting knocked etc.


So does anyone have any experience / input of R10 vs Scorpion etc etc?? Or any other tactical options to look at?


Many thanks



sell it and get that shot gun you know it makes sense



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sell it and get that shot gun you know it makes sense





Was sort of thinking selling it getting cheaper 2nd hand air rifle and shotty to be honest mate. gonna do SGC When move house mate. you are def right though it makes perfect sense.



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i tried a bsa scorpion SE .22 it was brilliant it was in the tactical stock and erm the grouping with bisely super field and H&N field trophy were matched they were the size of a 10p coin from 100 yards away and it was with a bushnel laser range finder and the scope was a richter optic 6x40 was nothing much special only 70 quid scopes and i couldnt fault on accuracy pnly thing was the bolt was spring laoded na dit was a little hard to cock for my liking but im used to hw100 but in my eyes the SCORPION is more accurater then the r10 or super 10

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