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Unusual Climate


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has the unusual climate conditions changed your shooting season for better or worse ? my shootin this year has been dramatically affected by the unusual mild weather, as woodcock are my main focus I have not found birds in the places I've found them over the past years,in my area woodcock have been in very limited numbers,pigeons are even more rare this year at this time and I've found that there are a lot less wild pheasants around,could all this mild weather have given the foxes an easier time to hunt and clear up a lot of our birds ? I would say I've found a lot more Mallard this year than any other over the past 5 years, What's it been like for you guys in your areas ?

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What I've noticed about this year is that it's still so dry it's made life a lot easier!


No muddy claggy tiring fields to walk across - I went out yesterday across my permissions and didn't even wear wellies - just shoes. I can drive up the tracks and even across fields that would usually require a muddy walk. I can lie down and use the bipod without getting wet and muddy. It's so dry out there it's like summer, it's very weird.


On one permission there are a couple of small ponds which are still nearly empty and there's an old derelict canal that is dry in the summer but always fills with water in the winter as the water table rises - it's bone dry and I can walk on the bottom of it.

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We must have had all your rain up here :lol: :lol: :lol: Not stopped raining for nearly 8 weeks. :angry: Had about 5 or 6 clearish days.

Even the farmer's are moaning quad bikes are even leaving marks on fields.Weather is mild crows scattered about everywhere by now usually eating sheep feed etc. :angry: Must be a lot of food still in the ground. :hmm: By now would usually have shot hundreds of crows

As to lying down to take a shot i'd be soaked :lol: :lol: :lol:

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With the woodcock several things could have happened,:


a: The weather has been equally mild on the continent, so many may still be on the other side of the north sea

b: The hard weather lasy winter killed off alot of birds that would normally migrate here.

c: The hard weather last winter caused woodcock to accumulate in the few areas where they could feed, and they suffered from excessive shooting mortality, i.e the locals battered them.


personally I think it may be a combination of all three

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