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Stood up by the FLO


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Nah, lads.


He didn't turn up!


I spoke to him last week on the phone in order to organise a visit, managed to get the Monday off so I called him to confirm. He said that he was grateful and would ring me sometime Monday.

Waited until 3-00 then left him a message.


Tried calling him today (several times), but again no luck!


Really annoyed, it's taken me ages to get to this stage. Now I've wasted a day off waiting indoors incase he turned up.


I've paid for the service, and feel let down.


Not sure what to do, call him? (and possibly **** him off)


Or wait until he gets in touch?


ps sorry but the original thread/question didn't show up....just like the FLO

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I'd be pretty grumpy too I recon. They're professionals and should act as such. Next time make the visit on your terms - make him come at a time that suits you!


EDIT... I wouldn't worry if you **** him off - he needs a kick up the backside anyway. Have a moan and if that doesn't work ring his boss! :yes:

Edited by njc110381
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Very unprofessional unless he had a genuine reason. In this day and age with mobile phones it doesn't take much for a quick phone call though, just to let you know.


When I had my visit he said he would be round Tuesday afternoon. I got home from work at 2pm and waited...... And waited.......... And waited some more. I was starting to get annoyed at this point as I wanted to take the dog out. After some more waiting I got a call at 7.30pm saying he will be there in half an hour. During our chat I happened to mention how long I'd been waiting to which he replyed " why, did I tell you I would be coming today?" turns out he'd completely forgotten and it was nothing more than sheer chance that he rang me that evening.

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