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Finally bagged a few


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Wasn't very optimistic as I set out this morning. The temperature read -7 Oc as I left home. Arrived at the field I was going to shoot and not a pigeon in sight.


Decided to look at a couple of other fields and put 1000+ birds up as I drove across one field. Thought I would give it a go.

Then came the tricky bit- trying to get hide poles, magnet and FUDs into the frozen ground. Eventually managed it after a lot of jumping up and down on the ground spikes!


Although most of the pigeon were in one large flock, which moved to the farm next door we don't have permission to shoot on, there were still several small flocks crossing over the top of the field I set up on. Unfortunately they were also heading to the next farm but after I put out 2 magnets, 1 flapper and set up a pair of bouncers 100yards towards the flight line one or two did come to the decoys.


In the end I picked up 42 Woodies for 78 shots. Not a huge bag but definitely the best day I have had on Rape so far this winter.


Two of the birds picked were squabs with no neck markings so it just proves how woodies are breeding throughout the year.


Today just shows are unpredictable pigeon shooting can be. The days when you think you are on to a looser turn out to be good and the days when you think you are on to a winner turn out to be rubbish!

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Hi All. This is my first post on PW, i went out yesterday when it was still -12!!! couldn't belive the numbers we saw, set up with deeks and a magnet and sat for an hour before any birds came near, they set in the top of the hedge row i was sitting under but would not drop into the field where they had been feeding on some rape that was sticking through the snow about an hour earlier. So decided to get out of hide and have a look, as i did 3/400 lifted of the hedge and i bagged my first left and right on pigeons, they all went to bottom of field and joined another flock of 3-400 and did not come back until i got someone to drive by sounding there horn, they then spilt either side of me all bar 1 who come down with a thump! so 3 bird's from 3 shot's and frozen toe's was the result of the day!

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Well done :good: :good: :good:




It was a pleasant change to get a few. My best bag since October has been 20 and I've had many days when I haven't even got into double figures :no:


Checked the same fields out on Sunday but they are all covered in snow and there was not a woodie in sight.


Hopefully they will be back when the snow thaws :yes:

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:thanks: Thank's everybody. I don't know what its like else where but certainly around here any rape that is sticking out through the snow has been hit where it had no pigeons on it previous, only trouble is a couple of bangs and they're gone! One of my fields had, had no pigeon's on it before but as soon as the gas ran out on the banger the little ******'s were on it in a flash :angry:
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