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Home made fox call


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I`ve been looking at the cost of fox calls which mostly seem to run in the £10-£15 bracket, a sum I would rather not spend.


I`ve found, like many others, that the "squeek" from a rubber dog toy can be very effective at calling foxes when blown by mouth. The trouble is that it`s so small that it is easily lost.


I`m sure that this is not new and must have been done before but I don`t remember seeing it. Knock the primer from a shotgun cartridge and drill out the empty primer hole with an appropriately sized drill. Insert the sqeeker and hold in place with a drop of superglue if it is`nt a close push fit.


The call works effectively and is now almost impossible to lose and costs next to nothing.

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I prefer to keep my "squeak" loose, as when lamping from the motor, I then tuck in inside my cheek, thus I can still have a smoke or drink, just careful not to swallow it :lol: it then gets spit inside it, which gives a much better variety of squeaks, it can be turned in the mouth, and then sucked or blown, again giving different squeaks

at the end of the evening, its return to a little case left in car till next time



dont know if Id want to be sticking a brass cap in my mouth all night

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I prefer to keep my "squeak" loose, as when lamping from the motor, I then tuck in inside my cheek, thus I can still have a smoke or drink, just careful not to swallow it :lol: it then gets spit inside it, which gives a much better variety of squeaks, it can be turned in the mouth, and then sucked or blown, again giving different squeaks

at the end of the evening, its return to a little case left in car till next time



dont know if Id want to be sticking a brass cap in my mouth all night


I have solderd wire loop on to my widgeon whistle, this intern is on a lanyard around my neck. On a new sheep farm I have been shooting on, the fox’s don’t seem to react to a call. Not sure why, as my hand squeak works well as also the widgeon one. Maybe the van that drops off the town fox’s didn’t explain the rules... :lol:




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Sorry mate, did`nt explain very clearly. The squeaker is inserted into the hole from the outside. With the sort of squeaker I`m using it sits with one end level with the brass base, much like the primer, whilst the body of the thing sits inside the case itself. The case is not in any way trimmed or cut off. You blow into what would have been the open mouth of the empty case.


No brass case end in the mouth and almost impossible to lose.

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  • 1 month later...

I make my own fox callers by fixing two lollypop sticks together, with video tape, or similar, spliced between them. By experimenting with different materials (plastics) I can make various different sounds with them.And if I lose them, then it has'nt cost me anything.


Could you please post some pictures?

Thank you

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