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Canada geese


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Quick question people. Can Canada geese be shot all year round under the terms of general licence? A farm I shoot over is having problems with them and as asked if I can do anything? I'm sure it's allowed just want to check. Thanks


Yes, they can.


As a non indigenous species you don't have to try non lethal methods first.


If you use a shotgun, you must use non-toxic shot.


If you use a rifle, lead is fine.

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In addition to the info above, has anyone noticed the changes to this years licences, including a clarification that the statutory ban on shooting in prolonged cold weather does NOT apply to Canadas or Egyptian geese?



summary of changes


link to GL-04



r) Severe Weather and Waterfowl Shooting: During periods of prolonged severe cold weather users of

this licence are asked to show, where appropriate, voluntary restraint in activities (such as

shooting and scaring) that could disturb waterfowl (ducks, geese, and waders). The Natural

England, Defra, JNCC, and BASC websites will indicate when periods of „voluntary restraint‟ or

statutory suspension apply. A statutory suspension temporarily prohibits the shooting of any bird on

Schedule 2 Part 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (which includes Canada geese). Please

note that this licence may still be used to take or kill Canada geese during periods subject to

a statutory suspension of shooting, although users are asked to show voluntary restraint

and to do so only when absolutely necessary. For more information visit the JNCC website:



Bold is in original document

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