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Rotor arms.

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I've got three differant length arms....8ft.....6ft.... 5ft.

I mainly use one 8ft with one 5ft, but it depends on what crop im useing my rotor on.

On a windy day i might use two five foot arms and if im shooting a tight laid area I would also use two 5ft arms, but the smaller the arms the faster R.P.M so adjust to suite........I,ve seen so many pigeon shooters useing their rotor at such a high R.P.M that all you can see is a grey circle!


All the best


Buzz :beer:

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;) Buzz i hate to get involved in a maths/physics arguement but if your motor turns at a constant speed, longer arms will give faster rotating pigeons.


Example, 2 runners racing round a track, the 1 in the outside lane will have to run faster to keep up with the 1 in the inside lane because he is having to cover more ground.


What often happens in practice with the rotors however is that the extra energy required to spin the birds on long arms slows the motor down and also uses the battery quicker.


Here endeth the lesson. :beer:

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Ern ......so what you are saying is .......the runner on the out side lane has to run faster? inside runner has not too run so fast ?......


think about it chap............outside runner...long arms!........inside runner short arms !


If the runners started at the same place and at the same speed which lane would be the fastest ? inside I think= short arms turn faster than long arms!


All the best chap


Buzz :beer:

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;) After a fruitless arguement with Buzzer last night in PW Arms, I could not convince him that the pigeon on his long arm was having to travel faster than the one on his short arm to keep up.

I have therefore worked out the actual speeds of the pigeons for a typical set of circumstances.


Rotor speed : 30 r.p.m

Arm one : 6ft

Arm two : 5ft


Using the formula PIExD or in this case 2PIExR the exact speeds are as follows.


The bird on the 6ft arm is travelling at 12.86 mph.

" " " " 5ft arm " " at 10.71 mph


Hope this bit of info. is of interest to others. :beer:

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Ernyha, does that mean that the one on the 5ft arm, will eventually overtake the one on the 6ft arm ? ;

;) Only if it goes as fast as the one on the 6ft arm Cranfield, then Buzzer will have been proved correct and all the laws of maths and physics will have to be re-written. :beer:

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