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To neuter or not....?


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I've got a 11 month old vizsla with 5 gen pedigree, he's a lovely example and a lovely temperament.

As I've not worked him as such yet I don't know what he'll be like. Although he will be worked and has good pointing, hunting and stalking instincts. He's already won a few awards including a best in show at a small show. Being docked and clawed showing will become difficult but i dont really mind, was just a bit of fun.

Good hip scores from parents obcourse


That's a bit of back ground


He's got his balls and will be staying till 18 minimum.

But what I want to know is if I don't get him snipped how different will it be? Will he want to hump everything and chase after females all the tIme ect?

As he matures if he carries on like he is, if I bred from him, will he constantly want sex after that?


Or is life that much easier with the snip? the dog...... Not me





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If the need arises whip them off, leave them on as long as possible. Mine has had them off now but he was trying to hump everything. This became detrimental to his training whenever there was a bitch about and so they had to be done. I would have left them on if I could :yes:

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Don't take the nuts off him without very good reason, it is not a miracle behavioural cure. If him having his spuds isn't causing a problem then leave well alone IMO.


+1, Nailed, squarely. IMO, its the last thing you should do, as there is no going back!





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Male dogs I would only do if causing a problem. Female dogs the health benefits are proven and they should be spayed unless you intend to breed from them. You can prevent mammary tumours and life threatening womb infections (pyometra).

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Don't take the nuts off him without very good reason, it is not a miracle behavioural cure. If him having his spuds isn't causing a problem then leave well alone IMO.


As above, funny how problem dogs seem to always lack thier nuts once they get to 18mnths or so- guess what they are still problem dogs :yes:

It stops them wandering it stops them sireing pups and thats the top and bottom of it

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keep em, for as long as the dog isn't a nuisance for you. my entire male never once attempted to hump people, furniture, cushion or toys. he was a pest at 18mth to 2yrs with the bitches, but only when playing, working/hunting was always more important to him than the ladies. a stud dog often only gets to service the bitches in a certain place so that he learns this is where the action happens,

if you can manage him entire and he is of a gentle nature then why put him through an op.

castration isn't for all dogs..

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