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Hereeeee fishy fishy fishyyyy


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Looks a great place John. :D

Well done on the mackerell, their here then?



There are quite a few islands Frank so it's good that way there are lots of channels for them to go through from the open sea. Have to say now on a calm day there isn't anywhere on this earth I'd rather be :) . They seem to be just starting to come in, biggest catch I've heard of so far is 50. More usually it's been in the teens. We were talking today about last year, it was later on in the month they really started pouring in. There were days we just had to stop letting the lines down or we'd have too much gutting to do :blink: On a couple of occasions we ran out of boxes to put them in! There's no waste though, we find homes for or freeze what doesn't get eaten right away and the birds get the rest. We'll have to arrange a day out for yourself when they get more plentiful :D




That would be great John, thanks, looking farward to that. :D

They were in Galway bay in their thousands i was told last August ;) , one guy on the peir, which my brotherinlaw saw, was chucking out a bucket with a rope attached to it :D and bringing in a bucket full at a time.


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That sounds like some nice time on the water.

Grill, barbecue, or shallow fry the mackerel as soon as you get home, you won't eat many things better.


In 7 weeks time, my friend Jeff and I will be bobbing around the Atlantic off Clew Bay,on the good ship Shamrock 2. in the company of Mary Gavin Hughes, catching our usual record number of species.

It will be our 20th visit and we have only missed one year (due to my knee Op).

Its a week we look forward to all year . :blink:

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I have been in Pembrokeshire on my mates boat this weekend and on Saturday I had 4 mackerel on 4 feathers on the first drop and one other boy had a couple at the same time but the lad who took us could only catch pollock. I had a big sand eel and my mate had a monster bigger than a small freshwater eel. (had a freshy when crabbing with bacon though!) The mackerel were BBQ'd on the beach. :blink:



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John, its pure fun fishing, we arrive on the Saturday and always stay in a little cottage on a farm, just outside Newport.


Its just the two of us on the boat with Mary the Skipper, every day from the Monday to the Friday and we fly home the following Saturday.


We have one day set aside for the common skate, but the rest of the time we are reef fishing for pollack, cod, ling, bass, cuckoo wrasse, ballan wrasse, etc ., or fishing sandy bays for thornbacks, turbot, blonde ray, plaice, flounder, sand dabs etc and we also target tope, smooth hounds, bull huss and occasionally sharks.


This is her website; http://www.clewbayangling.com/

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