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can you sit at a fox hole for a fox with a shotgun?

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haha yeh i know.


Its simple i would feel no sense of achievement or anything for that mater shooting a fox coming out of its hole. Stalking a deer or similar something that needs a bit of skill that's different. If the fox was being a pest and eating my chickens then that might be different. If its eating someone else's chickens that's their problem.

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Its simple i would feel no sense of achievement or anything for that mater shooting a fox coming out of its hole. Stalking a deer or similar something that needs a bit of skill that's different. If the fox was being a pest and eating my chickens then that might be different. If its eating someone else's chickens that's their problem.


There are many reasons people shoot and many of those people have different rational or ideas, I don't give a **** if a fox walks up to me and dies of a heart attack, I'm happy, the client gets a bill and the problem is solved! :yes::yes::good::good:

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Its simple i would feel no sense of achievement or anything for that mater shooting a fox coming out of its hole. Stalking a deer or similar something that needs a bit of skill that's different. If the fox was being a pest and eating my chickens then that might be different. If its eating someone else's chickens that's their problem.


Strange attitude, but we're all entitled to our opinion.


I expect the vast majority of foxes shot by PW members are being shot because they are a pest, be it a threat to livestock, game birds, ground-nesting birds or whatever - not because shooting foxes is thought of in the same way as stalking.


I'm not saying I don't enjoy lamping or fox control, I do, but I consider it a job and the prime objective is to get the job done.


Stalking, for me, is recreation and I can take my time and enjoy the whole experience. Ply the field craft I have learned and hope to be successful without costing anybody anything if I'm not. If however I'm not successful in killing foxes that pose a threat to lambs, for example, my farmer's income is reduced and his livelihood affected.

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I expect the vast majority of foxes shot by PW members are being shot because they are a pest, be it a threat to livestock, game birds, ground-nesting birds


Unfortunately, after assesing many posts on PW over the past few years, I think that a great deal of foxes shot by PW members are shot 'because they are foxes' and can be bragged about in a **** swinging excercise.

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"Unfortunately, after assesing many posts on PW over the past few years, I think that a great deal of foxes shot by PW members are shot 'because they are foxes' and can be bragged about in a **** swinging excercise."


In my case I shoot them if asked by the landowner,their choice not mine.Personally prefer to shoot rabbits but there you go if you get permissions you look after them.No cred issues & if I start getting doubts I'll join a knitting forum :yes:

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Unfortunately, after assesing many posts on PW over the past few years, I think that a great deal of foxes shot by PW members are shot 'because they are foxes' and can be bragged about in a **** swinging excercise.


I totally agree.


I would suggest that unless the shooter is a stock farmer of keeper they are shooting foxes solely for sport and because they enjoy it. I just wish they would stand up and say so rather than hide behind the smokescreen of "pest control" to justify their hobby.

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