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introducing to water

karl h

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whats the best way to introduce my springer to water as i do a little bit of wildfowling inland on flight ponds. He loves jumping in puddles but not sure which way is best to start off in deeper water. have got quite a few rivers and fords around me with no flow in them any help would be gratefull.

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Your best bet is to put on a pair of old shoes and some shorts and walk out in the water with the pup. Play with him in the shallows where his feet can still touch bottom until he is comfortable and then just keep increasing the depth a little at a time until his feet leave the bottom. He may panic a little when this first happens but aslong as you reassure him he will keep at it until he is comfortable. Then you can have him swim out alittle further by increasing how far you are out from shore.



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Take him to a shallow stream or pond and throw him a stick or toy. Not too far at first and as the confidence grows go further.


If he is anything like mine after about ten minutes you won't be able to get him out. Merlin will lay down in puddles in the middle of winter just to get in the water.


If the watwer is too deep initially then you may have to get wet yourself





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Our Golden Retriever didn't like water as a puppy. He'll now go swimming if he has a good reason,like a ball or stick, but not just for fun. He does still seem to be reluctant where the entry and exit is difficult.


I ended up wading into the sea in February, until he was out of his depth, holding him for a while, then letting him swim back to shore to his Mum. Beforehand he'd never go out of his depth, now he's OK, although I'd like him to be more comfortable. The trick is not to scare him.



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We took the pup to the seaside yesterday and she had a great time swimming in the sea. I just waded out up to my thighs in the calm water (just outside Poole harbour in Dorset) and she came swimming out no trouble at all. There were no waves or currents to worry her and she spent quite a bit of time in the water. Once back on the beach she seemed to make a beeline for "herselfs" towel shaking water and sand all over it while leaving mine alone. Had a bit of a swim myself but I'm always wary that some sneaky japanese whaling ship may hove into sight so tend not to relax too much.


I reckon going out in the water gradually with you is far beter than chucking things in for them to retrieve, gives them loads more confidence and it's the early experiences that need to be positive and enjoyable for them otherwise you've got to unlearn the negative before making progess. Aversion to water can be very hard to overcome if derived from a frightening early experience.

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