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2 foxes from Friday night


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Went out friday night on the weekly lamping foray. Headed out at around 10ish, we drove around shining the lamp and passed a field which had been just set, inside at the other end of the field a pair of eyes were shining out at us, we pulled in and gently got out of the van and into the field as quickly as possible. I called with the wam caller and fox came tearing into us. As he came in close he started to go out to our left in an attempt to wind us, at this stage he was only 30 yards away, I kept the crosshairs on him and when he stopped I shot him dead.




We stopped at another place and were pleased to see another set of eyes coming into us, but he then changed his mind and moved over in front of someones house. We tried to get around him to take a shot but it wasn't working. I kept calling and watched him come in, but something didn't quite look right about him, sure enough it was a cat and I decided not to shoot. He was too close to the house and was probably their pet.


The next fox was shot on my lamping buddies land. The fox came in from a good bit out on a combination of widgeon whistle and wam caller. He came through the ditch and sat down looking at us from 30 yards, I shot him square in the chest and he rolled over on his left twice before dying. There was blood all over the field another dog fox in the bag.




Saw 2 more off in the distance after that but they were too far away and weren't playing ball.

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