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scopes zero help? answeres?


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just woundering i heard that people set scopes up at a very high magnification at around 30-40 yards sub 12flbs.. and then get them zerod then zoom the mag down to your prefered setting and a few people have said it keeps it zerod ?? is this true because i set my scopes up one day and a week later they either need a few clicks right or a few clicks left but bairing in mind i only set my scopes when theres is not a drop of wind


im justt asking thats all because one day ill set them up and use mag after mag and that are all in bulseye form 35 yards and every 2 or 3 hunting trips you see it career off course then put a target up and they need a few click left or right but never up or down why is this any help apreciated




and this is when they are firing great and this is from 50 yards using 3 dots of hold over my scopes arnt set for 50yards also i no theres nothing wrong with the gun


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Wind! I set mine up on a windless day and then use the scope markings to adjust for wind drift. I also set mine up on the highest magnification and then wind it back down once she is spot on. You can get some very good shooting results.


Damned good grouping though. See effective hunting at longer distances than 35 yards is possible!

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i have a richter optic 4x16x40 and its not broke and to be honest its happens with all my guns and after they are set like in the picture then zoom out and thats it i carry my gun upward and i walk because its on my doorstep :) and erm i store it horizontaly and not on the bolt side or the turret side e.g bolt isnt on the floor any help would realy help at all lads i can compensate for wind and hold over but i just need to some how keep them SET! :)


and that grouping was on a bag filled with a pillow and the target was pegged on to my fence 50 yards away with h&N FTT

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i have a richter optic 4x16x40 and its not broke and to be honest its happens with all my guns and after they are set like in the picture then zoom out and thats it i carry my gun upward and i walk because its on my doorstep :) and erm i store it horizontaly and not on the bolt side or the turret side e.g bolt isnt on the floor any help would realy help at all lads i can compensate for wind and hold over but i just need to some how keep them SET! :)


and that grouping was on a bag filled with a pillow and the target was pegged on to my fence 50 yards away with h&N FTT


Cheap glass. It will lose zero if you adjust the mag. Cheap glass. (and I'm sure there is some Chaps who have no problems adjusting mag and keeping zero on the cheap scopes, but as a rule cheap scopes are cheap for a reason....

Who buys a sports car and puts cheap remolds on its rims??...... ;)

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Have had cheap Hawkes and had no problems with POI shift due to magnification changing! That is an old tale that used to plague the first variable mag scopes, modern ones dont!




Resting on it's side it is resting on the scope, pressing against that all the time can cause POI shift, Store vertically not horizontally!

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ye pal you pay for what you get these days,i used to ave all the same problems until i spent more money,i ave some centerfire rifle scopes i zeroed 5 years ago and are still spot on,saying that i ave hawk side winders on my air rifles which seem to be as good and a thousand pound cheaper to be honest.....

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hi erm i went out toinght because there was no wind and tried it i zoomed into 12x 14x way to much to handle and set my target up 35 yards away and the first picture is what was goaing on with no movement of the scopes the second picture is after i moved them


so yeah i zoomed my scopes into 12xzoom the first 10 shots were a little to the right so i moved them 1 click left and my scopes are 1/8MOA* and the second photo is the result i fired 10 shots at each target and there were 2 sort of fliers but i mean its a good group form 35 yards away and then zoomed them back out to 7 my prefered zoom perfect up to 40 yards and i have always stored my gun lying flat in the bag but the bolt and the turrets facing up so they arent goaing to get damaged and also had some coments saying about my scopes but yeah they are fine so good luck form here i think cheers guys :good: P.S targets are 1P's drawn round with a marker pen



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I think Kitchy is underestomating what wind is there , for one thing he says he has to adjust left OR right and you would expect a scope problem to be just one way not both .

and with groups like he is doing a sneeze would alter the impact point at 50 yds and the last pic with all but 2 in the same hole is brill, and the two that are 1/2 inch to right would not take any wind you could feel to move that far over wish i could groupe that good lol

Edited by richard1951
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i went out today and i fired 10 shots and they needed 3 clicks right ? so a mean ***? and should i store my gun vertical or buy new scopes "HAWKE"


i have a set of hawkes but they do the same thing ?its done it with all my scopes

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sounds to me like you're canting the gun slightly. you'd be suprised how canting by even half a mm can cause the shot to strike to the side that you're canting to.

its a more common fault than people think, especially when shooting bench rested. if we dont get mm perfectly behind the gun when its rested we tend to pull the gun very slightly to our cheek to line it up, canting the gun slightly in the process.

might be worth checking that your scope is true vertical with a plumbline, then the next time you are shooting and it shoots a couple of clicks to one side, have a plumbline set up by the target to check against.

the human eye is easily fooled by looking through scopes. try this test. draw a vertical line on a card and shoot at it. then tilt the target very slightly to one side and shoot. most shooters eyes will fool them into canting the gun to match the slightly offset vertical line, and they'll shoot a couple of clicks to the same side that the target is leaning to.

hope that makes sense, as its worth a try and could confirm that there's nowt wrong with your scope.

also remember that a 1 or 2 mph wind will be virtually undetectable, yet will cause pellets to drift as much as 3/4" at 50 yards.

good luck.

Edited by poguemahone
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