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Q for the computer nerds

henry d

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I was working on another picture "How to" topic,but I dleted the file that the first lot of pictures were and emptied the recycle bin.

The pictures are still on Adobe photoshop but has a tag on it saying the file is missing even though I still have the image on screen.


My question is can I restore this file ??


Simple instructions would be a help :good: as I`m not a whizz on this thing, Cheers.

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Want a simple answer?


No. :good:


The full and more complicated answer is the files are probably retreivable but it would mean a lot of p*ssing about, and in that time you could have re-done it anyway.


You can take screen dump of what you have, if you want to do that, shift+prt scn, will copy it to the clipboard so can then paste that into whatever you want.

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Well actually you can. If you are still able to view the picture in adobe you can hit 'Print Screen' and this will take a screen shot which can then be pasted into a new image file.


If you have lost the screen image you can use Norton Utilities to recover any deleted files. Unfortunately this is quite complicated. When a file is deleted the OS simply removes the first character to the file name which essentially deletes the FAT link to the data. If you use Norton Utilities you can replace the first character and restore the file. However, this must be done without any additional saves as any data with a first character removal, is overwritten by the new data.

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