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BTAS fx cyclone adjustable from 12lb~FAC


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I am almost ready to order a BTAS FAC fx cyclone - But I am the type of person that would prefer to use a single tool for many jobs - if that tool is up to it, and it saves possession of another gun.


SSOOOO - The BTAS FAC fx cyclone, cleverly having 3 selectable power levels between 12~27? ftlb's is good for FAC cleared area's (I have a closed certificate) because it is capable of over 12lb... but it's also capable of being below 12ftlb...


We've had discussions on interpretations of the law recently?


So can I use it on non cleared land? I suspect the answer is no, but does anyone know if this has ever been tested or precedent(ed?) in law?


EDITED FOR CLARITY - well you know how I go round the houses... :good:

Edited by Dave-G
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so long as you have an FAC, you will be entitled to be in posession of the cyclone, full stop. If you discharged it on land not cleared for it, then how do they catch you doing that? The law just states if your air rifle is capable of power in excess of 12 f/lb you must hold an FAC to be in posession. I interperet that as meaning you are allowed to have it and shoot where you like, so long as you have outline permission from the land owner.

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If you have a closed ticket then it has to be passed by FEO,

if your ticket is open then it is your responsibility. :good::good::D



PS forgot to add once its on your ticket as FAC then it remains FAC no matter what power it is set at it will always be classed as FAC.


Hope that makes sense :D:lol:

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