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Sha Bu Le

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Bought a S/H HW100 sporter from member geoff75


WHAT a gun!!! well impressed took 3 minutes to zero as scope had just been fitted. Can't keep hands off it. The dude said mint and he was not kidding, thought it had just come out of the box.


Now I know what pellet on pellet means and its claimed its first hit (in my hands) 1 feral in the bag (more like the bin).


Would have liked a AAS410 but this offer was just too good to miss, pleased I went for it.


Geoff75 is a great guy to deal with btw.

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i bought a hw 100 a month ago pal. i ave 4 centre fire rifles, 5 shotguns and a few more air rifles,and ive never left it alone. pellet on pellet at almost 40 yard,ive said this before them germans were bad news 70 years ago.but they can build guns and cars perfect...

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I`m tempted to buy one, always wanted AA S410 but been told these are much better, do you know are they easy to turn down back to 12flbs

i ave a rapid doing 38ftlb but i still take the hw100 sub .177 out hunting. i use more stealth and better shot placement and ave done some good 35 40 yard kills with it.

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Geoff its a great gun, should have got one yonks ago. Thanks mate & thank your mate for putting the gun up.


Its Bri btw


Regards Bri (alias Sha Bu Le..my Chinese name)


Hi Bri


Hope you don't mind me asking but how much did you pay for yours? I'm thinking of buying one and was wondering what sort of budget i would need to have for a second hand one.



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I got one yesterday and am loving it also! Had my first woody today and out after squizzers tomorrow!


Lucky shot :oops: After handling your HW m8, I could well be moving the FN on NOT :rolleyes: Bring on them bushy tailed critters!

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  • 3 weeks later...

If there is another reply in a similar vain ignore it.....pressed the wrong button!!!


Update on my HW100S 4 weeks or so on do not regret getting it one bit.


Update on hits and please note this is setting the gun up near my back door and checking now and then.


Ferals = 18

Cd's = 8

Crows = 4

Mags = 3

Rats = 1


Excellent tool, fair drops them, also it is so quiet there are song birds sitting oon my fence when I am on paper.


Cheers Bri

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