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Pigeons, loads of them ! just for your info'


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went on the back roads to pick up some dust extracted shavings from the sawmill for dog bedding today, fields of rape everywhere in flower, winter wheat up 6-8" and spring barley just coming up, ....not a pigeon to be seen, until i get to a field where there has been a cover strip for game, it had been slashed down a month or so ago and the maize stalks where white and lying on the surface, and i kid you not it was rotten with pigeons, started to slow down to see what attracted them ...until the missus started to moan....then further up the road the same again a bare strip of what was a cover crop rotten with birds, must be something starting to germinate which they like....makes your trigger finger start to ich !

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had some cracking shooting few weeks back on topped cover crop just a shame pheasant sydicate bods were so eager to plough it in im shooting in norflok at the weekend ill see if theres any cover crop left i doubt it ,but worth a look i suppose




i think you might be okay...this was virtually bare ground with the remains of a slashed maize cover crop....they must be feeding on something that has just germinated in the last few days, also as all the other crops are up and of no interest to the birds, these areas are bare and stick out like a sore thumb....if the cover crop has been just ploughed in it still maybe worth it to set up on one of these small strips....what do you rekon ?

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If there is birds there it's worth having a go :good:




some of the best days ive had, start off "hmmm there is nothin about, im here i might as well set up and stop for an hour"............5 hours later out of cartridges.............expect naught, and everything is a pleasant surprise...


most of it gets ploughed so deep that nothing seems to be on it ,but like i said im out norflok in the morning ill see wot its like worth a go if theres plenty of birds about




report back.......please

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Billy I shoot in the same area , but a mile or two further west and I doubt if you can do anything with those pigeons on the saltmarsh. We cant shoot them at this time of year , but in September we sometimes have 100s out on the marsh. But they seem scattered all over the marsh with a bunch bigger than ten unusual. They will not decoy ( I have tried many times ) , but if you can hit the flight line its possible to get a few.

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well got to shoot yesterday driveing around feilds there were 100s including some onploughed maze but i tried 3 areas and the same result the birds just moved to the next meal ticket very frustrating but was a nice day if nothing else ,i think the trouble is there so much food about theres no need to come back to same spot ,the rape is been cained all around every feild ,

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well got to shoot yesterday driveing around feilds there were 100s including some onploughed maze but i tried 3 areas and the same result the birds just moved to the next meal ticket very frustrating but was a nice day if nothing else ,i think the trouble is there so much food about theres no need to come back to same spot ,the rape is been cained all around every feild ,




well at least they are about !....i think when the OSR is harvested we will have the same problem....there will be stubbles everywhere as there is so much of it been planted this year.....

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i would say out of 3500 acres atleast 90% is rape ,





and the govt' says the price of food will go up cause of the shortage...we want to try growing food instead of bio-fuel.....the same happened in southern sudan 30 years ago...people were dying cause there was nothing to eat as all the farmers were growing tobacco for BAT....

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