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Try to get a couple of provisions from the Police and Ministry of Natural Resources for some of the rabbit, and raccoon control that I do. One is for the use of ferrets on commercial vegitable and forestry properties, while the other is for the use of a silencer on the .22 and possibly the 20 guage.


Are the silencers for these two guns all threaded on or are there press fit?


My mossberg bolt action 20ga. already has external threads, would I be able to match them up with a British silencer?


How big of a differance on a 20 ga. does a can make?


Anything else you think may help.



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Hi Nttf,


The shotgun moderator guys that I know of in the UK are:




& can probably do a model to fit your kit.


The .22 choice is huge, and are really useful, you will not find many uk .22 field shooters without one fitted.


I have only come across threaded mods for the .22.




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